German Brick Award 2024: recognition for the Munich Volkstheater


The German Brick Award 2024 (Deutscher Ziegelpreis) was presented at the Bavarian Chamber of Architects on January 17. The Volkstheater in Munich once again received an award in a festive setting: the general contractor Georg Reisch GmbH and the LRO office were delighted to receive recognition.
The jury praised the skilful use of brick as a material, which creates a harmonious combination of old and new in its diverse design language.
A brochure has been published to accompany the awards.
Further information can be found on the Website of the German Brick Award

Construction start in Nürnberg


Just five months after the contract for the extension to the Nuremberg State Theatre was awarded to Georg Reisch GmbH - with our design - the ground-breaking ceremony has already taken place: On 13 December, the Prime Minister, Minister of State, Lord Mayor, Mayor of Culture and the Building Commissioner pressed the start button together to officially set the construction work in motion.
» Pressemitteilung (Photo: David Klumpp)

BDA award: 1st prize for elementary school in Hamburg


The Baakenhafen elementary school has won one of three 1st prizes in the BDA Hamburg Architecture Prize 2024!
The jury recognized, among other things, the far-sighted planning of the cleverly organized volume, which had to follow tight urban planning conditions and yet knows how to convince functionally as well as in close-up and long-distance effects. It also strikes the right balance between robustness and sensuality - and thus contributes to creating an identity in the newly emerging HafenCity district.

Competition Theatre Trier: 2nd prize


The jury awarded our design 2nd prize in the realization competition “Extension and urban reorientation of the Trier Theatre”.
Among other things, the exciting path connections, the handling of the existing 1960s building and the high economic efficiency were viewed very positively.

Sparkasse Head Office Weil am Rhein included in German Architecture Guide 2025 (Architekturführer Deutschland 2025)


The service center of the Sparkasse Markgräflerland has been included in the longlist for the DAM Preis 2025 and thus is part of the corresponding publication.
Thanks to everyone involved!
» Sparkasse Head Office
» Architekturführer Deutschland 2025 (DOM publishers)

Identity-forming elementary school in Hamburg's HafenCity


The unusual concept of a vertical school is due to the cramped site conditions at Baakenhafen. It results in the layering of functions on top of each other, including break areas with plant troughs on the roofs. The new building with its high recognition value acts as the focal point of the district and strikes a balance between a robust functional building and a sensual educational space.
»elementary school in Hamburg's HafenCity

Recognition of the dm-dialogicum


The Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects recognizes the dm head office in Karlsruhe as an exemplary building ("Beispielhaftes Bauen"). The jury says: “The entire building is characterized by an architectural quality that aims to create a good environment for working and staying." We are delighted and, together with everyone involved, very proud of this successful project.

LRO on the road


Visiting the construction site in Sigmaringen, we were able to experience the spatial qualities of the impressive Bertha Benz School. Our colleagues explained various planning challenges and solutions to circular construction, installation shafts, sound absorption and spans.
Just a few kilometers further, we were impressed by the clean design of the Apartment block in Bad Saulgau and the pleasant proportions of the private art depot next door.

Lots of wood: elementary school in Mannheim


We proudly present the first cluster school in Mannheim - built in timber hybrid construction on a conversion site of the US armed forces.
Characteristic are the 16 individual learning houses, each of which accommodates a classroom - plus the half-buried double sports hall with roof terrace and the surrounding wooden balcony, which takes on a variety of tasks.
elementary school in Mannheim

Exemplary music center in Plochingen


In the same move as their colleagues in Karlsruhe, the Esslingen Chamber Group (Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects) presented the awards for exemplary building 2018-2024.
The client (Blasmusikverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.) and the LRO team are delighted that their joint work has once again been recognized.
> to the list of award-winning works
> to the project on the LRO website

“dm-dialogicum” in Karlsruhe honored as ”exemplary”


The jury of the Karlsruhe Chamber Group (Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects) considers the headquarters of “dm-drogerie markt” to be exemplary and presented it with a recognition as part of the 2018-2024 awards in Karlsruhe.
The client and LRO team are delighted with the appreciation of their joint work.
> to the list of award-winning works
> to the dialogicum on LRO website

Extension of the Nuremberg State Theater's venue in the congress hall


We are most pleased about the award decision of the Nuremberg City Council on July 17, 2024 in favor of our design together with the general contractor Georg Reisch GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Saulgau.
Press release Nürnberg

Would you like to be part of our team?


Yes, you do!
... e.g. as part of an internship at LRO, as a job starter or as an architect for work phases 5-9.
We offer valuable practical experience in the office and on the construction site by working on challenging projects - in an open and communicative working atmosphere, in collegial project teams -
for Bachelor graduates or compulsory interns as well as for graduates and “fully-fledged” architects (f/m/d).
» LRO-Jobs und Praktika

Sparkasse Head Office in Weil am Rhein nominated for the DAM Prize 2025


Independent experts have nominated the Sparkasse Markgräflerland service center for the DAM Prize 2025. Inclusion in the longlist also means inclusion in the German Architecture Guide, which we are delighted about.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved once again for their excellent cooperation!

Inauguration of the StadtPalais and Main State Archives forecourt


An important stage on the way to upgrading Stuttgart's cultural mile:
The forecourt of the Stadtmuseum is complete and the pedestrian link along the city highway is finally usable from Charlottenplatz to the Staatsgalerie.
The public spaces give an impression of the urban qualities to be expected from the redesign of the main road.
Opening party: Wed, May 8, 2024, from 5 p.m. at the StadtPalais

3rd prize in the competition "Replacement building Maximilianstraße 53, Munich"


We are delighted about this recognition and about the fact that the jury appreciated our approach to the topic of "building on" by emphasizing the seemingly natural connections to the neighbouring buildings and the appropriateness of arcades in prominent locations.

Hospitalhof turns 10


After exactly ten years, we can say that the concept and building have proven their worth. The conference, administration and education center of the Protestant church community of Stuttgart has established itself as a popular event venue that ensures lively exchange and life in the city quarter - which, by the way, has developed in an exemplary manner. > The reliable house

topping-out ceremony Bertha Benz School


On April 26, we celebrated the topping-out ceremony for the Bertha Benz School in Sigmaringen. The construction of the vocational school complex is on schedule and the first windows have already been installed.
Information on the construction project on the Sigmaringen district website

Another award for the Munich Volkstheater


The BDA District Association of Munich-Upper Bavaria awarded the project with a recognition at the architecture prize "Über Oberbayern 2024".
We are extremely proud and would like to thank everyone involved for the remarkably good cooperation at all levels!

Administrative building Plochingen in "Edition 1:100"


The book „Nachhaltige Baukultur. Ressourcenschonend planen.“ (Sustainable building culture. Planning to conserve resources.) features our administrative building in Plochingen. Thanks to the editing company!
Deutscher Architektur Verlag, Edition 1:100

Sparkasse Head Office in Weil am Rhein elected "building of the week"


We are most pleased and would like to thank for the Interview!
Bau der Woche
Sparkasse Head Office in Weil am Rhein

Condominium in Bad Saulgau


An appealing spot to live at: On the site of a former garden center, airy, bright apartments develop like slices of cake from a narrow entrance side to the wide facade side. The outer skin consists of a shell made of wooden shingles in a delicate lime green tone.
“At the old nursery”

Foundation stone ceremony held in Sigmaringen


The works for Bertha Benz vocational school do get on quickly. About one year after groundbreaking the foundation stone was laid. District Office and main contractor Reisch GmbH look forward to the month of February when works for the interior fittings are about to start.

Inauguration of the Sparkasse headquarters in Weil am Rhein


The Sparkasse Markgräflerland service center is ceremoniously opened today.
After a construction period of two years, around 190 employees were allowed to move in. Everyone involved is very satisfied with the construction process and the result. Us anyway!
Sparkasse Head Office

Two LRO-projects successful within the Hugo-Häring-awards!


The BDA-section Esslingen-Göppingen showed enthused about the Plochingen Music Centre.
And the BDA-section Lake Constance let themselves convince by the qualities of the Marianum School Annex in Allensbach-Hegne.
We are very much excited by these recognitions and do tank the juries for their work!

2nd price in competition for the annex to a daycare facility in Heilbronn


With Great joy we see our design to be awarded the 2nd price in the competition.
The Jury found themselves convinced by a sensitive and delicate view of two closely related structures and the multiple use room between them with its extension to the exterior, providing additional value and potential for varied scalable uses.

Two awards in the Beispielhaftes Bauen Stuttgart 2019-2023 Competition


We are honoured to have received two awards in the Beispielhaftes Bauen Stuttgart 2019-2023 Competition for our projects Annex to the Württemberg State Library and K32 - Office Refurbishment and Hotel! A complete list of the 24 winners can be found on the website of the architects' board, an article with photos of each project has been published in Stuttgarter Zeitung. Congratulations to the project teams!

Online features about new building for Würth Elektronik


The High-Tech Innovation Center Munich found its way to e-zines and bba has a focus on the red staircase and its demanding production process.

Plochingen Music Centre in DAB


The Deutsche Architektenblatt; German architects' magazine, approaches task and inhospitable site of the Plochingen Music Centre by interviewing Marc Oei.
DAB 6.2023
Communication design and orientation system by büro uebele was acknowledged as "excellent work" within the scope of "tokyo tdc annual awards 2023".
büro uebele

Extension Marianum Hegne in AIT 5.2023


A beautiful double page in German interior design and architecture magazine AIT 5.2023 featuring the Extension building for
Hegne Centre for Education

Recommendation for our design „Zentrum“ Rosengarten


Great joy about position three in the competition „Zentrum“ Rosengarten", asking for rooms for school, kindergarten, young people and clubs.

20th place in the Competitionline Ranking


We are proud to have been ranked 20th in the Competitionline Ranking 2022 in the category "Architecture"!

Munich Volkstheater in reference book


Great joy about 16 detailed pages on the Munich Volkstheater in the volume "Brick Buildings S, M, L" - many thanks to Edition DETAIL!

Inauguration Würth High-Tech Innovation Center, Munich


On Monday, 3rd of April 2023, in Munich the High-Tech Innovation Center for Würth Elektronik was inaugurated. Everyone involved was extremely satisfied.
The building offers open and well-lit spaces for research, testing and office work. Design and materials signalize the high standards of Würth company.
High-Tech Innovation Center Munich

Administrative building in Plochingen highly appreciated


The daily newspaper Stuttgarter Zeitung acknowledged the Plochingen project by naming it "the most beautiful administrative building" and by emphasizing the successful collaboration between planers, authority and general contractor. (for subscribers only)
On German-Architects it was mentioned "Building of the week". In an interview the project leaders Katja Pütter and Sophie Röcker explain the special design features as well as the technical particularities.
Many thanks to the editing teams!

Munich Volkstheater finalist for DAM Prize 2023


On January 27th 2023 the award ceremony for DAM Prize 2023 was Held in Frankfurt. The Munich Volkstheater had been elected for Finalist beforehand. We are very much proud of the successful cooperation of all institutions and companies involved.
We congratulate Auer Weber for winning the price with their extension of an administrative building in Starnberg.
Impressions from the award ceremony

We mourn for Arno Lederer


On January 21st 2023 our founding partner Arno Lederer has passed away.
With him we are losing a strong personality, a sovereign but also empathetic and humorous leading figure and an advocate for quality architecture and beauty in the designed environment.
obituary (German)

Managing directors have changed


On January 1st 2023 the last step of a long change process in LRO office was done: Arno Lederer and Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir have handed over their last shares.
Managing partners of LRO GmbH & Co. KG are Marc Oei, Katja Pütter, Klaus Hildenbrand und Heiko Müller.
Executive Board

Facadecompetition 2021, Munich


We are very happy about the award for the façade renovation of two existing buildings, which we integrated in our Münchner Volkstheater project.

Münchner Volkstheater – Finalist at the DAM Award


Again shows us the Münchner Volkstheater his qualities. The building jumped in a exclusive group of finalists. The winner of the DAM award 2023 will be published at the 27. January in the “DAM Ostend” in Frankfurt a.M.

The Württembergische Landesbibliothek at the 45. Ludwigsburger Architekturquartett


We are looking forward to a facinating panel discussion with a publicity , which shows us the quality of contemporary architecture
29. September, 19.30 Uhr , Musikhalle Ludwigsburg

Curtain open in im Baunetz_Wissen


We are very happy about the very detailed story with addition to the concept of colour , electrics and many photos online at Baunetz-Wissen.

Well done presentation of the Württembergischen Landesbibliothek in “Architektur und Wissen”


We liked the very concret presentation of the Württembergischen Landesbibliothek in the titel „ Architektur und Wissen“, Räume für die Zukunft of the Deutschen Architektur Verlag.

Administrative building in Plochingen


On July 1st the District Office Esslingen, the contractor Georg Reisch GmbH & Co. KG and LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei acclaimed the official opening of the administrative building high above the city of Plochingen. The house on a square layout offers splendid views to all directions. It scores with a compact structure, small footprint, decentralised ventilation and spatial flexibility all through its lifetime.

New project for education


We are very happy about the beginning of our new project, the Bertha-Benz-School in Sigmaringen. We may edit it together as an ÖPP project with the Georg Reisch GmbH & Co.KG from Bad Saulgau. The prospective school for profession as craft, alimentation and social will have an extend of 20.300 m2 gross floor area beside a campus and a parking garage.;art372548,11186046,-so-sieht-der-neubau-der-bertha-benz-schule-aus-_arid,11521791.html

1st prize for the competition „Neubau der Humboldt-Grundschule in der Neckarstadt-West in Mannheim


We are very happy about the 1st prize for the competition „Neubau der Humboldt-Grundschule in der Neckarstadt-West in Mannheim“ with landscape architect Helmut Hornstein
and Béla Berec Architektur-Modellbau-Gestaltung.

3th prize for the polis award


We are very happy about the 3th prize for the polis award for the “Volkstheater München” in the category “reactivated centers”. We got this certification in the Böhler Areal in Düsseldorf. The polis award decorates architecture which picks out the sensible development of cities as a central theme.

Award für a new city building block in Munich


We have been pleased to receive the “Otto-Borst-Preis 2022” for the “Volkstheater München” by the association of the Forum Stadt e.V. who is a network of historical cities.
We got this certification at the “International day of the cities” in Meran in South-Tirol.

Something interesting to read! BDA Wechselraum


We have the pleasure to present our two new books in the Wechselraum of the BDA in Stuttgart together with Fachbuch Krämer and the BDA Baden-Württemberg. We are looking forward to a nice evening in an illustrious company, to Amber Sayah who will moderate the evening in conversation with Arno Lederer, Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir and Marc Oei to present our new monograph “Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 2“, Jovis Verlag and „Münchner Volkstheater“, av edition. (photos: Roland Halbe, Stuttgart)

Nominated for the polis award


We are very pleased to be nominated next to 5 other offices with the project “Volkstheater München” for the polis award – a younger award for urban- and project development. The special focus is the category “reactivated centers”. The final jury and the award ceremony will take place at the 27.04.22 beginning at 17.30 at the Polis Convention in Düsseldorf.
Further Infos :

Induction of an extension building of Kloster Hegne


The Induction of an extension of the Marianum-school took place last Friday.
250 students and 25 teacher will start with the educational background of social pedagogy. The expansion building contains 6 classrooms, 4 special departments as well as offices and rooms for teamwork.

Nomination for Otto-Borst Prize 2022


Our project "Münchner Volkstheater" has been nominated in the category "Stadtbausteine" for the Otto-Borst Prize 2022 for urban renewal. We will find out whether it will receive a prize or an award at the International Cities Conference in Merano on 28.04.2022.

We are looking for an Assistant to the management (m/w/d)


Further information:

We are amongst the winners at the ICMA Award


Our monograph has won the gold award in the category "art books" at the International Creative Media Awards.
Read more:

Book Launch at Architektur Galerie Berlin


This fall, the second volume of our monograph "Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 2" was published by Jovis Verlag. Our most recent project, Münchner Volkstheater, has also just been published in its own book by av edition. Both publications will be presented as part of a touring exhibition with stops in Stuttgart and Berlin. The book launch will kick off on January 13th at Architektur Galerie Berlin

Negotiated procedure for the construction of a new studio building for Südwestrundfunk in Tübingen with Reisch, award of contract


We are very pleased to have been awarded the contract. The draft for the European-wide negotiated procedure for the award of planning and construction services will be exhibited in the technical town hall in Tübingen from 20.12. for about 4 weeks.

Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 2


Our second monograph was published in October with the projects from 2013 to 2021 by JOVIS. Today we are really happy about the review of marlowes:

Award for exemplary building


Our project “House Reisch” received the Award "Beispielhaftes Bauen im Landkreis Sigmaringen 2012–2021" of the Baden-Württemberg chamber of architects

Competition "Forum Deutsche Sprache" in Mannheim, a 3rd Prize


Hugo-Häring State Prize for dm-Headquarters in Karlsruhe


We are delighted that our project has been honored with this year's Hugo-Häring State Prize. With its sustainable brick facade made from demolition material, the new building for dm-drogerie markt is amongst the 10 prize winners in the two-stage selection process.
Read more:

Negotiated procedure with qualification competition for the extension of the district court in Pforzheim, award of contract


Official opening of Münchner Volkstheater


The new building of the Munich Volkstheater in the Schlachthofviertel is officially opened today. The theatre starts this weekend with three premieres:

New home for amateur music


The Baden-Württemberg Wind Music Association officially opened its new music centre in Plochingen on Friday. Numerous other associations have already moved into the building that emerged from a competition in spring 2016.
Link to project:

Münchner Volkstheater at DETAIL online


A modern theater house has been built on the site of the former abattoir and stockyard. We are pleased about the online publication of the Munich Volkstheater at DETAIL.
Read more:

Münchner Volkstheater


Our latest project is in the starting blocks in Munich's Schlachthofviertel. The official opening of the Volkstheater will take place in mid-October.
Read more:

Competition for a new building for indoor swimming hall Leinfelden-Echterdingen


3rd Prize (with landscape architect Helmut Hornstein)

DAM Preis 2022


Our project "Annex to the Württemberg State Library" is one of the shortlist candidates for the DAM Preis 2022. The participants are nominated by the DAM (Deutsches Architekturmuseum), taking into account suggestions from the Chambers of Architects and an expert committee.

Change of name to LRO


Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei becomes LRO (Stuttgart) and Lederer Ragnarsdóttir (Berlin).

Kornbergstraße 36, 70176 Stuttgart
T. 0711 2255060,

Lederer Ragnarsdóttir
Flatowallee 16/304, 14055 Berlin
T. 030 31999270,

NXT A Digital Talk with Arno Lederer


18:00:00 – 20:00:00

NXT A, the platform for innovation, networking, knowledge transfer and lifestyle in the construction and creative industries, will speak on June 22 with Prof. Arno Lederer, Prof. Elisabeth Endres (TU Brunswick) and Anne Niemann (TU Munich) about sustainable building.
For registration:

Construction site in Mannheim


The building pit for the new elementary school in wood construction has been excavated. On the former US military site Benjamin-Franklin-Village, a new city quarter with around 9,000 inhabitants will be built by 2023.

“Timeless and Tactile” - Ulm, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Cologne


The Spanish architecture magazine Arquitectura Viva dedicated an entire issue to our practice and published four of our projects, including the Historical Museum in Frankfurt and the Hospitalhof in Stuttgart.

Architects wanted!


Reliable, flexible and cheerful architects (f /m /d) for all work phases
Interested? Read more:

Exhibition in Hangzhou


On April 30th, 2021 the exhibition “The New Complexity: Contemporary Architecture in Germany” will open in the China Design Museum. Eleven significant works by German architects will be presented, including our “Ravensburg Art Museum”. The exhibition is organized by the China Design Museum and the School of Architecture (South China University of Technology) together with the China Germany Architecture Exchange Center (CDAA) and the Goethe-Institut China.
Further information:

Roofing ceremony for the extension of the Cloister Hegne


The structural work for the expansion of the Marianum, Centre for Education in Allensbach, has been finished. Completion is scheduled for December.

Nomination DAM Preis 2022


Our project "Annex to the Württemberg State Library in Stuttgart" is among the around 100 nominated buildings on the longlist of the DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany 2022.

Online lecture Arno Lederer


Arno Lederer will give an online lecture on the subject of methodology this Wednesday at 7 p.m. as part of the SKIZZENWERK lecture series at KIT.
To the event:

Construction site in Hamburg


Our winning design for the new elementary school at Baakenhafen is under construction. The school building for around 460 students should be completed by the end of 2022.

Success at Kölner Architekturpreis 2021


Together with the Archdiocese of Cologne as client, we are delighted to have received the award for our project "School Annex and Housing, Cologne-Lindenthal". From the 66 entries submitted, the jury awarded five recognitions and five prizes.

We are looking for new teammates


reliable, flexible and cheerful architects (f/m/d) for all work stages
Further information:

House Engel shortlisted for the 50 best family homes 2021


Out of 180 submissions, “House Engel on the Swabian Alb“ was selected among the best “Houses of the year 2021”. The winners will be announced in September.
Link to the project:

Published in Architectural Record


A detailed article about our project “School Annex and Housing, Cologne-Lindenthal” was published in the February issue of the renowned American architecture journal Architectural Record.
Link to the article:

Publication in Bauwelt


Our project "Annex to the Württemberg State Library in Stuttgart" was published in issue 03/2021 of the magazine dealing with the thematic focus on "reading and presenting".
Link to the article:

Recognition at Deutscher Ziegelpreis


Out of 145 submissions, our project "dialogicum", dm headquarters in Karlsruhe, is among the 17 award-winning brick projects at the renowned architecture prize.
Further information:



Our project Haus Engel on the Swabian Alb was published in the current issue of the magazine and even forms the cover.
Link to the article:

Publication in C3 magazine


The Korean architecture magazine has published our project „School Annex and Housing, Cologne-Lindenthal“ in its January issue, dedicated to the subject of the “Palimpsest Effect”.

We are looking for new teammates


reliable, flexible and cheerful architects (f/m/d) for all work stages
Read more:

Fritz-Höger-Preis 2020 for brick architecture


We are delighted that our project “dialogicum” has been awarded in the Office & Commercial Buildings category at one of the most important architecture awards in Germany.

Success at Balthasar Neumann Preis 2021


With the project “dialogicum”, the new building for the dm corporate headquarters in Karlsruhe, we were able to prevail at this year’s Balthasar Neumann Preis and win one of three mentions.

Publication in DETAIL 12/2020


The Annex to the State Library was published with an extensive article and a presentation of the most important detail points in the new issue of DETAIL.

“dialogicum” shortlisted for Fritz-Höger-Preis 2020 for Brick Architecture


From almost 600 projects submitted, the administration building in Karlsruhe made it onto the shortlist together with 70 other projects! The winners will be announced in January 2021.

Terraced Houses in Stuttgart


Our project at Frauenkopf is completed.
Read more:

Living in Schruns


Our project “House F. Schruns“ is amongst the 50 best family homes of the year and was featured in the book “Häuser des Jahres 2020” which accompanies the award.

Online lecture by Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir as part of the architectural tuesday at TH Cologne


19:00:00 – 21:00:00

In the winter semester the architectural tuesday of the Faculty of Architecture is dedicated to the topic of the atmospheres of the architectural space. In her lecture about the 16 stations, Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir will address space in terms of function.
The link to the online lecture and further information can be found here:

Landesbetriebe are united in the former EnBW headquarters


The Landesbetrieb Vermögen und Bau and the Landesbetrieb Bundesbau have moved to the former headquarters of Energie Baden-Württemberg that was refurbished and converted.

We are hiring


Bachelor graduates and students for mandatory internships (m/f/d) that are interested in an internship (6-12 months) starting in March 2021.
More information on the application:

Hugo Häring Award


Our project “Annex to the Württemberg State Library“ and the collaborative project “16 Stations“ received the Hugo-Häring-Award 2020 from the BDA (Bund Deutscher Architekten) Stuttgart

Award for Exemplary Building Projects NRW 2020


Our new project “School Annex and Housing, Cologne-Lindenthal“ is amongst the 30 awarded exemplary building projects in North Rhine-Westphalia

Opening of the Annex to the Württemberg State Library


Yesterday the library officially went into operation without a big celebration due to the measures against the pandemic.
Read more:

Groundbreaking in Hamburg


Last week the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony for the elementary school at Baakenhafen took place. (Rendering: bloomimages)

Hugo Häring Award


Our project “dialogicum, dm-Headquarters in Karlsruhe” received the Hugo-Häring-Award 2020 from BDA Karlsruhe

Groundbreaking in Allensbach


Today the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony for the Extension of the Cloister Hegne Marianum, Centre for Education Allensbach takes place.

Music Centre Plochingen


The roofing ceremony planned for April couldn’t take place due to the pandemic – instead we show a small section of the construction site

New spaces for creative ideas at Kunsthalle Tübingen


In the last few months, a new light-flooded studio on the upper floor of the art gallery has been created based on the conception of our office and implementation by Mey Generalbau. Photo: Ulrich Metz

Competition for a new building for Catholic community hall St. Maria and apartments in Göppingen


  1. Prize (Model: Béla Berec)

“dialogicum” on the shortlist for DAM Preis für Architektur 2021


Together with 25 other projects, the headquarters in Karlsruhe made it to the shortlist!

Competition for the new construction of all-day secondary shool Osterburken


  1. Prize (with Frank Roser, landscape architect)

Online Symposium on building culture in Lower Saxony: Zukunft Land



Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir gives a lecture on the topic “Design – Setting Impulses” about the Remstal Garden Show 2019
Registration and further information:

“dialogicum“ headquarters nominated for the DAM Preis für Architektur 2021


The headquarters is amongst the 100 nominated buildings on the longlist of DAM Preis 2021!

The construction of Munich Volkstheater is progressing


A glimpse into the stage tower

The official opening of the School Annex in Cologne-Lindenthal was planned for today


Due to the current situation the opening ceremony unfortunately cannot take place and will be
postponed for one year.
But the school is in operation and can be “visited” on our website.

Württemberg State Library awarded with Architekturpreis Beton 2020


Alongside three other buildings, our project “Annex to the Württemberg State Library” received the architecture award for building with concrete.
Read more:

Statement on office work these days


A short report by Marc Oei about everyday office life during the corona pandemic.

Arno Lederer as a guest at the “Nachtschicht” in the Andreaskirche in Obertürkheim


7 p.m.
The 3rd Nachtschicht 2020 will take place in the Andreaskirche in Obertürkheim under the title “sky and scrape in the city – about ideas on how we can take off with each other in private and public space”.
Read more:

Exemplary Building exhibition in Stuttgart


Award ceremony and opening of the exhibition "Exemplary Building Stuttgart 2015-2019", including our project "Stuttgart City Museum in the Wilhelmspalais". The exhibition will be shown from 5 – 26 February 2020 in Stuttgart City Hall, foyer on the 4th floor, Marktplatz 1.

Panel discussion as part of the exhibition "Richard Herre" in the Stadtpalais



As a podium guest, Arno Lederer speaks with Arno Votteler and Frank Herre, son of Richard Herre, about the Stuttgart architecture and interior design scene. Dr. Torben Giese moderates the discussion.
More information:

“Architecture is rare” – Symposium for the closing of the JPK NRW exhibition


At the end of the exhibition “JPK NRW” (in the Baukunstarchiv NRW) Arno Lederer discusses with Max Dudler, Jörg Gleiter, Hans Kollhoff and Uwe Schröder about the fundamental questions: What are the hindrances to good architecture today? Which topics and goals should architecture implement today, in order to endure as a cultural achievement? With which strategies can architecture be realised as architecture?
Read more:

Lecture at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences



Arno Lederer is giving a lecture under the title „Stadt • Land • (im) Fluss“ as part of the lecture series GROSS/STADT/EUROPA at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Kiepenheuerallee 5.
Further information:

Negotiated procedure for the new building of an administration building in Plochingen


In the Europe-wide negotiated procedure for the awarding of planning and construction services for the new building of an administration building in Plochingen we were awarded the contract together with building contractor Reisch

Arno Lederer on the podium



Book Launch
„Das Wilhelmspalais – Von der königlichen Residenz zum Museum für Stuttgart”
The authors of the book talk about the eventful history of the house.
In Saal Marie, StadtPalais - Museum for Stuttgart

Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir at University of Applied Sciences Biberach



Lecture about “16 Stations” of the Remstal Garden Show in the course of the Architecture Talks at University of Applied Sciences Biberach, Main Auditorium Building B
Read more:

Arno Lederer at EPF Lausanne



Within the new lecture series “Superonda” by Archizoom Arno Lederer gives a lecture on the topic “reuse – new asthetics” at EPF Lausanne.
More information:

Panel discussion - SCHULBAU Messe in Frankfurt


11:30:00 – 12:30:00

As a guest at the panel discussion Arno Lederer speaks with Frank Hausmann, Gernot Schulz and Stefan Kuger about the topic „Schule im Stadtteil – Öffnung zum Quartier“. The discussion is moderated by Mechthild Harting.
Location: Messe Frankfurt am Main

Arno Lederer at “Generationentalk” in Berlin



At the second “Generationentalk” at the Heinze ArchitekTour congress in ARENA Berlin the four participating architects talk about constructing, present framework conditions for building culture and equal opportunities.
More information:

Arno Lederer as panelist at BDA Hamburg



BDA Hamburg dwells on the topic of school construction with a look into the past, present and future of educational building with an exhibition and a panel discussion about the current conditions and requirements for the quality of future school building in Hamburg.
More information:

Competition for the company and administration building of TWS in Ravensburg


4th Prize

Lecture by Arno Lederer at Aschersleben Architecture Day


The 2nd Aschersleben Architecture Day is also about discussing future challenges and areas of application for material. The main topics on the program are ecology and sustainability.
More information:

Award for exemplary building


Our project “Stuttgart City Museum in the Wilhelmspalais” received the Award "Beispielhaftes Bauen Stuttgart 2015–2019" of the Baden-Württemberg chamber of architects

Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir at Stuttgart Art Museum



In the course of the special exhibition “Ragnar Kjartansson. Scheize – Liebe – Sehnsucht” Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir provides insights into her Icelandic roots, her cultural imprint and her views on the characteristics of Iceland’s art and culture scene.
Bildnachweis: Ragnar Kjartansson, Tod einer Dame, 2019, Erstaufführung im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Foto: Gerald Ulmann, Courtesy der Künstler, Luhring Augustine, New York und i8 Gallery, Reykjavík

German Architect’s Convention 2019 in Berlin


11:25:00 – 12:30:00

As panelist Arno Lederer talks to Claudia Meixner, Amber Sayah and Laura Weißmüller on the topic “Societal relevance – What do discourse and criticism bring us”. Nils Ballhausen moderates the discussion.
Location: bcc Berlin Congress Center

ArchiCup 2019


Taking part is everything

Inauguration dm-Headquarters Karlsruhe


The official inauguration of the dm-Headquarters in Karlsruhe took place on Thursday.

Roofing ceremony residential house in Balingen


The roofing ceremony was celebrated in Balingen on Friday.

Münchner Volkstheater – Finalist at the DAM Award

Again shows us the Münchner Volkstheater his qualities. The building jumped in a exclusive group of finalists. The winner of the DAM award 2023 will be published at the 27. January in the “DAM Ostend” in Frankfurt a.M.

Facadecompetition 2021, Munic

We are very happy about the award for the façade of the Münchner Volkstheater, we got from the state capital Munic for our input to the beautyfication of the visual appearance of Munic.

Pecha Kucha with Arno Lederer

Starting today, 3:30 p.m., the series of lectures created as part of the supporting program for the DAM Preis 2021 can be seen online with our shortlist project “dialogicum, dm-Headquarters in Karlsruhe”. The DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany was awarded for the fifth time by the DAM (Deutsches Architekturmuseum) in cooperation with JUNG.
Link to the presentation: