Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg

The building is the heart of the neighbourhood, opening up towards Lola-Rogge-Platz with a flexible commercial area. Access to the school, on the other hand, is sheltered to the north via the schoolyard along Petersenkai, which is also overlooked by the assembly hall and canteen.
The unique vertical design of the school is a direct result of the limited space available on the site. This clever layering of functions on top of each other includes break areas with plant troughs on the roofs. The simple floor plan structure is easy to understand. From the foyer, which is located in the centre of the building, you can easily access the clusters and break areas on the upper floors using the stairs or lift. The rooms for teachers and administrative staff are located on one side, with the clusters for the individual year groups and their associated teacher support points on the other.
The separate main entrance to the 2-court sports hall under the school building is located on Baakenallee and is also used for extracurricular activities.
The building is designed to last, with a long service life and maximum flexibility.
The cluster area is designed with a limited load-bearing structure, comprising access cores, six columns in the centre of the building and reinforced concrete columns and walls of the outer façades. This allows the building to be easily adapted to changing educational concepts.
The two-coloured clinker facing brick cladding ensures low maintenance costs and extreme durability.

SBH | Schulbau Hamburg

Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, Stuttgart

Team LRO:
Katja Pütter, Fabian Wieczorek, David Fornol, Daniel Steinhübl;
Aline Kälber, Julia Ochmann, Sophia Schmidt, Ruth Hörter, Benedikt Nauder, Johannes Steiner

1st Prize

Project Management:
KVL Bauconsult Hamburg GmbH

HOAI Stages 6-8 (parts of 6-7):
Ernst² Architekten AG, Stuttgart/Hamburg

Structural Engineering:
ahw Ingenieure GmbH, Münster

Electrical Engineering:
PBR Planungsbüro Rohling AG, Hamburg

Building Engineering:
Pfeil & Koch Ingenieurgesellschaft, Köln

Structural Physics:
Zebau GmbH, Hamburg

Quintus Ingenieurhaus GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg

Landscape Designer:
Helmut Hornstein, Freier Landschaftsarchitekt, Überlingen

Fire Protection Planning:
(bis einschl. LP 4) BIG Brandschutzingenieurgesellschaft, Hamburg

Fire Protection Planning:
(ab LP 5) Ingenieurbüro T. Wackermann GbR, Hamburg

Kösterke Ingenieur Consulting, Ostseebad Rerik

Geotechnical Engineer:
HPC AG, Hamburg

Land Surveyor:
Hanaack und Partner, Hamburg

Expert water-impermeable concrete:
NIK Ing-Sv-Büro, Süßen

Start of Construction:


Gross Floor Area:
10.235,17 qm

46.365,76 cbm

Baakenallee 33, 20457 Hamburg

BDA Hamburg Architektur Preis 2024
ein 1. Preis


Hamburgische Architektenkammer
Architektur in Hamburg, Jahrbuch 2024/25
Hamburg, Junius Verlag, 2024

wa wettbewerbe aktuell
12 I 24, S.64-67.

Bau der Woche
German-Architects.de, 18.12.2024

CUBE Hamburg
01 I 25

Jakob Börner, Hamburg

Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg
Elementary School Am Baakenhafen in Hamburg